
Well, I’ve always been absolutely terrible at writing introductions. It’s always the worst bit of writing an essay, yet introductions are so vital. They have the power to hook you, absorb you, thrill you and above all, to make you think ‘this is the book for me’. One of my favourite introductions is the famous first line of L.P. Hartley’s The Go Between: ‘The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.’

In short, this blog is going to be about literature of all kinds and the plethora of interpretations of a single text- perhaps even a single line. You can’t make literature fit into a box, just like you can’t sum up a person in a sentence, and so it is my belief that in their own way, books are alive. 

About hannahsteveeee

All you need to know about me is that I love literature.

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