30 day book challenge; day 12, the book that is most like your life


My So-Called Life by Joanna Nadin

Today has been a depressing one, book challenge wise. I was going to pick The Perks of Being a Wallflower but I’ve already used that, and to be honest my life is nowhere near as exciting as those detailed in books. I’ve read many books but they are almost all more exciting that my life. But I remembered a book that I read in my early teens about a girl who is always trying (and failing) to spice up her life. It’s part of a series and is actually set in a town not too far from where I live. Although it is very funny and yes, it is more dramatic than my life, it’s a close enough fit. No-one would want to read a book that is exactly like my life. I’m not unhappy with my life or anything but it’s not the kind of stuff you read about in great novels. Maybe that’s a good thing- I wouldn’t want my life to mirror Lolita.